"Late Bloomers," directed by Lisa Steen, is a poignant exploration of identity, aging, and unexpected connections. It is headlined by a stellar performance from...
Ultraman Rescues Baby Emi, and Then She Gets Acid Reflux is based on the beloved Japanese character, Netflix's "Ultraman." The movie breathes new life...
MaXXXine: A Slasher Thriller in the Glamour and Grit of 1980s Hollywood
Ti West returns with "MaXXXine", the highly anticipated third installment in his "X"...
In "Desperate Lies," Juliana Paes delivers a captivating performance as Liana, a woman caught in an extraordinary dilemma. Discovering that she is pregnant with...
Prepare for a chilling return to deep space with Alien: Romulus, the highly anticipated seventh installment in the legendary Alien franchise.
Set to bridge the...
"WondLa" takes viewers on an exhilarating journey with Eva, a curious, enthusiastic, and spirited teenager. Raised in a state-of-the-art bunker by her robot caretaker,...
Land of Women throws Eva Longoria's Gala headfirst into a whirlwind.
Facing financial ruin and threats after her husband's shady dealings, Gala grabs her teenage...
Bridgerton's high society is abuzz with the news of Colin Bridgerton and Penelope Featherington's unexpected engagement. Their newfound happiness is threatened on multiple fronts.
"Trim Season" is a tense and eerie thriller set against the backdrop of Northern California's marijuana farms. Directed by Ariel Vida and written by...
"Longing," starring Golden Globe Award-winning actor Richard Gere and the ever-talented Diane Kruger, is a captivating English remake of a celebrated film, masterfully directed...
From the best-selling author of "Wonder," which inspired a global movement to "choose kind," comes the next heartwarming chapter: "White Bird." Directed by Marc...
In a chilling new documentary series, director Derek Doneen, along with production companies Dirty Robber and WV Alternative, delivers a gripping exposé on the...
"Dope Girls," an upcoming six-part historical drama series, is set to captivate audiences with its gritty portrayal of the British drug underground. Based on...
In "The Outrun," director Nora Fingscheidt delivers a poignant exploration of recovery and self-discovery, beautifully brought to life by Saoirse Ronan's stellar performance. Based...
"The Dead Don’t Hurt" delivers a compelling narrative of star-crossed lovers set against the rugged backdrop of the 1860s western frontier. Vicky Krieps shines...
Set against the sophisticated backdrops of politics, elite academia, and the picturesque beaches of Martha’s Vineyard, "Emperor of Ocean Park" immerses viewers into a...
In this gripping drama, Lily Gladstone delivers a poignant performance as Jax, a woman struggling to keep her family together on the Seneca-Cayuga reservation...
"Ezra" is a heartwarming and often humorous journey that follows Max Bernal (Bobby Cannavale), a stand-up comedian navigating the trials of life while living...
Global superstars George Clooney and Brad Pitt reunite in the exhilarating action comedy "Wolfs," directed by the talented Jon Watts.
Clooney steps into the role...
"America’s Sweethearts: Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders" dazzles with the dynamic dancing and vibrant energy that has defined the Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders (DCC) since 1961. This...
"The Commandant's Shadow" is a profoundly moving documentary that follows Hans Jürgen Höss, the 87-year-old son of Rudolf Höss, as he confronts his father's...
"Under the Bridge" is a compelling American true crime drama television miniseries developed by Quinn Shephard, adapted from Rebecca Godfrey's acclaimed book.
The series, which...
The adventure continues. Take a first look at Liam Hemsworth as Geralt of Rivia.
"The Witcher," a fantasy drama series crafted by Lauren Schmidt Hissrich...
Directed by Academy Award nominee Irene Taylor, "I AM: Celine Dion" offers a raw, honest, behind-the-scenes look at the iconic superstar’s struggle with a...
"The Beach Boys" is a jubilant celebration of the legendary band that forever changed the landscape of pop music with their iconic, harmonious sound...
Production company Vyjayanthi Movies -Distributed by AA Films
In the grand tapestry of Indian cinema, "Kalki 2898 AD" emerges as a shining star, blending the...
Mano Animation Studios makes a striking debut with their animated feature, "The Glassworker," directed by Usman Riaz. Set against the backdrop of a looming...