Movie Review: Opus
Opus is an upcoming American thriller written and directed by Mark Anthony Green in his feature directorial debut. This A24 production boasts...
Agatha All Along is a surprising and darkly comedic twist on the Marvel formula. Kathryn Hahn’s Agatha Harkness, stripped of her magical prowess and...
Movie Review: "Reunion" (2024)
"Reunion" combines a stellar cast for a high-stakes thriller that masterfully blends dark humor and edge-of-your-seat suspense. This film, directed by...
A Good Girl’s Guide to Murder, a new murder mystery series, will premiere this summer and captivate audiences with its thrilling plot and intriguing...
Movie Review: Heretic
"Heretic," directed by Scott Beck and Bryan Woods, brings a chilling twist to the psychological thriller genre, starring Hugh Grant, Sophie Thatcher,...
The Union catapults Mark Wahlberg into the unexpected role of Mike, a down-to-earth construction worker from Jersey who finds himself embroiled in espionage and...
Movie Review: "Perfect Wife: The Mysterious Disappearance of Sherri Papini"
"Perfect Wife: The Mysterious Disappearance of Sherri Papini" is a gripping Hulu docuseries that delves...
In C. J. Sansom's gripping cinematic journey through 16th-century Tudor England, the Shardlake series is a beacon of historical mystery and intrigue. Led by...
In "Sugar" (2024), Colin Farrell delivers a captivating portrayal of John Sugar, an enigmatic private detective haunted by personal demons. From the outset, Sugar...
In the hauntingly beautiful film Imaginary, director Jeff Wadlow invites audiences on a mesmerizing journey into the depths of memory, family, and the power...
In "The Beast," director Bertrand Bonello transports viewers to a hauntingly plausible future where artificial intelligence reigns supreme over a society that has relinquished...
The Acolyte, an eagerly anticipated addition to the Star Wars universe, promises a thrilling exploration of the enigmatic end of the High Republic era....
"Apples Never Fall" dives deep into the intricacies of family dynamics, unraveling the façade of perfection that the Delaney family portrays. Based on Liane...
Prepare to be entranced by "The Watchers," the latest offering from the visionary mind of producer A.M. Night Shyamalan. Written and directed by Ishana...
"CellPhone," a riveting film directed by Luke Sommer and penned by Rachel Sommer, Whitney Rose Pynn delivers a poignant portrayal of Wynne, a character...
Sydney Sweeney delivers a captivating performance in "Immaculate," a chilling tale directed by Michael Mohan and written by Andrew Lobel. The film introduces us...
Prepare yourself for a rollercoaster of uncertainty as Emile Hirsch takes on the enigmatic lead role in Marcus Stokes' latest psychological thriller, State of...
"Murder and Cocktails" is a 2024 American murder mystery movie directed by Henry Barrial and written by Ron Jackson. The movie features Jason Bernardo,...
Sandra, Samuel, and their son Daniel have resided in an isolated town in the French Alps, leading to a reclusive existence. Upon discovering Samuel's...
A determined journalism student becomes captivated by a respected yet ruthless news reporter whom she is eager to impress, even if it entails misrepresenting...
Shameik Moore, who plays Miles Morales, Spider-Man, in the upcoming animated film Across the Spider-Verse, expressed hope that he would be cast as the...
A popular streaming service's sci-fi series Black Mirror is a twisted, yet high-tech portrayal of the near future is portrayed that purports to depict....
Since the time of European colonization, native communities have been plagued by the crisis of missing and murdered Indigenous women (or MMIW), and it...
Downwind (10/10)
by Tony Medley
93 minutes
Of all the nonsensical decisions with deadly consequences made by the autocrats in Washington who run our lives, including Korea,...