Death of a Unicorn: Official Cinema Trailer and Movie Review
The captivating premise of Death of a Unicorn draws viewers into a darkly whimsical tale...
Movie Review: Nightbitch (2024)
Marielle Heller's Nightbitch is a bold and genre-bending adaptation of Rachel Yoder’s acclaimed 2021 novel, blending black comedy and body horror...
Movie Review: Brothers (2024)
Brothers, directed by Adam Shankman, is a comedic yet poignant film that explores the volatile reunion of two estranged brothers—one a...
Netflix's Emmy-winning drama Baby Reindeer is embroiled in a lawsuit. The streaming platform will face a defamation suit from a woman who was harassed...
Movie Review: Anora (2024)
Sean Baker’s Anora delves into the complex dynamics of identity, culture, and love within the vibrant, often overlooked backdrop of Brighton...
"Here," directed by Robert Zemeckis and written by Eric Roth and Zemeckis, reunites the creative team behind "Forrest Gump" in a heartfelt exploration of...
Movie Review: Poolman
"Poolman" is an intriguing tale that immerses viewers in the vibrant yet murky world of Darren Barrenman (Chris Pine), a native Los...
Greedy People, an upcoming American comedy mystery film, promises to blend intrigue and humor. Potsy Ponciroli directed the film, which was penned by Michael...
Review of "English Teacher" (FX)
"English Teacher," set to premiere on FX, offers a refreshingly honest and often humorous look at the chaotic life of...
"Admission" tells the story of Portia Nathan (Tina Fey), a Princeton admissions officer with a rigorous professional life. Her career drives her and is...
Movie Review: "Saturday Night"
Jason Reitman's upcoming biographical comedy-thriller, Saturday Night, delves into a pivotal moment in television history.
Set at 11:30 PM on October 11,...
Movie Review A Different Man
A Different Man, a 2024 American black comedy psychological thriller, offers a riveting and unsettling exploration of identity and obsession....
Movie Review- "We Live in Time"
"We Live in Time" is a poignant exploration of love, growth, and the inevitable heartaches of life. Starring Florence...
The Decameron Netflix Series Review
In the backdrop of 14th-century Florence during the ravages of the Black Plague, Giovanni Boccaccio’s The Decameron is a literary...
Running on Empty is an intriguing blend of dark comedy, romance, and existential drama. Directed by an emerging filmmaker, the film centers on Mort,...
Bottoms (2023) - Movie Review
Bottoms is a 2023 American satirical comedy directed by Emma Seligman, who co-wrote it with Rachel Sennott. The film features...
In the fresh and imaginative coming-of-age story "My Old Ass," an 18th birthday mushroom trip brings free-spirited Elliott (Maisy Stella) face-to-face with her wisecracking...
Movie Review: Jackpot
Shortly, California introduces a deadly twist to the lottery game with the 'Grand Lottery.' The catch? One must kill the winner before...
Between the Temples: A Funny and Touching Look at Loss and Renewal
"Between the Temples" starts a bit rough. We meet Ben Gottlieb (Jason Schwartzman),...
Movie Review: The Fabulous Four
"The Fabulous Four," directed by Jocelyn Moorhouse and written by Ann Marie Allison and Jenna Milly, is a delightful upcoming...
"Treasure," Julia von Heinz's latest film, offers a heartfelt and poignant journey that deftly balances humor and sorrow. Based on Lily Brett's 1999 novel...
"My Lady Jane" is an upcoming British television series set to premiere on Amazon Prime Video, featuring a stellar cast including Emily Bader, Edward...
Marlon Wayans' Stand-Up Special - Season 1
Marlon Wayans, known for his versatility as an actor and comedian, takes the stage in his fourth stand-up...
"Cora Cora" delivers a heartfelt and humorous exploration of love, loss, and self-discovery, starring the remarkable 'Hacks' actress as Cora, an aimless 30-something musician....
"A Family Affair," the upcoming romantic comedy directed by Richard LaGravenese and penned by Carrie Solomon, promises a delightful blend of humor and heart.
"Palm Springs" is a delightfully offbeat romantic comedy that reinvigorates the genre with a clever twist on the classic time-loop trope. Directed by Max...
Land of Women throws Eva Longoria's Gala headfirst into a whirlwind.
Facing financial ruin and threats after her husband's shady dealings, Gala grabs her teenage...
"Ezra" is a heartwarming and often humorous journey that follows Max Bernal (Bobby Cannavale), a stand-up comedian navigating the trials of life while living...
"You're Cordially Invited" is a charming romantic comedy that brings together the comedic talents of Reese Witherspoon and Will Ferrell in an unforgettable wedding...
This Time Next Year is a charming and delightful romantic comedy that captivates the heart with its unique premise and endearing performances. Directed by...
"Tires" brings a quirky blend of comedy and drama to the screen, spotlighting the chaotic life of Will (Steven Gerben), an anxious and inexperienced...
"Not Another Church Movie" boldly strides into parody comedy, offering audiences a rollicking journey through the noisy world of Taylor Pherry and his divine...
"Bodkin" takes audiences on a rollercoaster ride through the tangled webs of a small coastal Irish town, where the quaint scenery belies the sinister secrets...