“Winnie-the-Pooh: Blood and Honey 2” ventures into dark and unexpected territory, presenting a startling twist on the beloved characters from the Hundred Acre Wood. In this gripping sequel, Winnie-the-Pooh, Piglet, Tigger, and Owl face a dire threat when Christopher Robin exposes their existence to the world. Fueled to break free from the shadows and seek vengeance, the group embarks on a chilling rampage through the town of Ashdown, leaving devastation in their wake.
Set after the harrowing events of its predecessor, “Winnie-the-Pooh: Blood and Honey 2” delves into Christopher Robin’s struggle to return to normalcy amidst the aftermath of the massacre he witnessed. With society branding him as either insane or a murderer, Christopher’s plight intertwines with the chilling actions of his former friends-turned-foes. Directorial prowess brings this grizzly tale of meta-horror to life, promising to shock and captivate audiences with its daring narrative and unexpected twists.
About the cast:
In this adaptation, Scott Chambers embodies the role of Christopher Robin, while Ryan Oliva brings Winnie-the-Pooh to life. Peter DeSouza-Feighoney portrays the younger version of Winnie-the-Pooh, capturing the innocence and charm of the beloved character. Eddy MacKenzie takes on the role of Piglet, injecting warmth and humor into the ensemble. Lewis Santer channels the exuberance of Tigger, adding a lively energy to the narrative. Marcus Massey embodies the wisdom and sophistication of Owl, offering sage advice to his friends. Simon Callow rounds out the cast as Cavendish, providing depth and complexity to the story. Together, this talented ensemble delivers a heartfelt and engaging portrayal of the timeless characters from the Hundred Acre Wood.
This movie is a “Web Fans” must-see.
Production: Jagged Edge Productions
Release Date (Theaters): Mar 26, 2024, Limited Runtime: 1h 32m
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