Telegram CEO Pavel Durov, out on bail after his arrest near Paris, France, has agreed to share some user data with authorities if they have legal requests and search warrants. He announced the change to Telegram’s terms of service and privacy policy yesterday.
Many web fans had mixed responses, and the number of users leaving the platform remains to be seen. CWEB reported on the earlier arrest and is now informing its web fans about the recent developments on the platform.
Telegram was considered to be a haven for cybercrime, as well as illegal activities such as drug trafficking, money laundering, and child pornography. Its CEO Pavel Durov, who holds multi-country citizenships including French, was arrested weeks ago at a private airport near Paris, France. Durov was released on bail but had to remain in France.
Telegram had a feature that allowed groups of up to 200,000 members. Some of these groups might have facilitated misinformation and illicit and illegal activities.
In a Monday post on Telegram, Pavel said that Telegram would share users’ IP addresses and phone numbers engaging in criminal activities on the platform with the concerned authorities, who have legal and valid requests.
He said, “We’ve made it clear that the IP addresses and phone numbers of those who violate our rules can be disclosed to relevant authorities in response to valid legal requests.”
Durov also said that only “0.001” percent of Telegram’s users have been involved in illicit activities that have spoiled the platform’s image. These bad actors have put at risk most of the platform’s users, who he counts as almost one billion.
Telegram has updated its search feature, and users can also report illegal search terms and material through its “Searchbot.” Human moderators will review these reports, and the content might be removed.
Telegram has taken steps to curb illegal and illicit activities on its platform. Still, whether it has done enough to satisfy the legal requirements in the European Union and other countries remains to be seen.
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