Walmart Said To Be In Talks With Humana To Provide Health Care –
Walmart (NYSE:WMT) in early talks to buy health insurer Humana (NYSE:HUM) as retailers are increasingly moving into the health care space.
Those on Medicare with Humana insurance Walmart wants to partner with even considering purchase.
Walmart may be looking to dive deeper into the rapidly evolving health care market by acquiring the insurer Humana (NYSE:HUM) , according to reports.
Health-care spending accounted for about 18 percent of the U.S. economy last year, and continues to surge with an aging population, pricey medications, and a complex regime of reimbursements and middlemen.
Walmart (NYSE:WMT) and Humana (NYSE:HUM) already work together on prescription drug plans for individuals in the U.S. Medicare program. The plans offer some prescriptions for as little as $1, as long as customers pick up their drugs at a Walmart or Sam’s Club.
Humana (NYSE:HUM) is jumping in the late session, up 13.5%, on a Wall Street Journal report that Walmart (NYSE:WMT) is seeking closer ties that could include an acquisition.
CWEB Analyst’s have Reiterates a Buy Rating for Walmart (NYSE:WMT) and a price target of $150 within 12 months.
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