US stocks took a hit on Thursday, with major indices erasing earlier gains after several security incidents over the last few days. The Dow Jones Industrial Average dropped by 156 points (0.4%), the S&P 500 lost 10 points (0.2%), and the NASDAQ Composite sank by 30 points (0.2%).
Factors Behind the Decline:
GDP Growth Downgrade: The Atlanta Fed GDPNow model revised its fourth-quarter 2024 growth forecast, downgrading the seasonally adjusted annual growth rate from 3.1% to 2.6%. This revision follows disappointing data from the US Census Bureau and weaker manufacturing growth from China. The adjustment in the growth forecast reflects a contraction in private domestic investment, shifting from a projected 1.3% growth to -0.7%.
Tesla’s Missed Delivery Targets: Tesla’s Q4 delivery figures also weighed on investor sentiment. The electric vehicle giant reported 495,570 vehicle deliveries, which fell short of analysts’ expectations of 512,277.
Economic Outlook for 2025
Looking ahead, the focus will shift to Trump’s policies and Fed rate cuts, both of which will likely play significant roles in shaping economic and market dynamics in 2025.
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