TOP Ship A Deja Vu That Is Bleeding The Investors –
Top Ship (TOPS) had a lot of reporting in 2017. Here are some of the good point’s reported in 2017 and why you should stay away before investing in this sector.
Conversion of Series C preferred shares to common shares is almost complete.
In 2017 Kalani Investments was leaving the Greek shipping stock stage as a consequence of class action lawsuits and SEC subpoenas.
Reserve split No. 8, so the fifth in 2017, is imminent due to ongoing dilution efforts and to regain compliance with Nasdaq listing requirements.
Limited US shareholder protection as TOP Ships is a Marshall Islands incorporated company. Less regulation as a “foreign private issuer” company on the Nasdaq as well.
Unlike US based companies however, the company is not obligated to file quarterly reports (10-Qs) or to provide current reports (8-Ks.
TOPS CEO (TOPS) Evangelos Pistiolis, are exempt from the reporting and with respect to their purchase and sale of securities which makes it very dubious to invest in security like that.
What most shareholders don’t know is that rights and fiduciary responsibilities of directors under the laws of Marshall Islands are not clearly established like they usually are for the directors in the United States.
And again in 2018 Deja Vu. Top Ship (TOPS) has done the same exact thing. A reverse split of 10/1 so it can avoid delisting from the NASDAQ if a stock goes below $1. Just recently in 2018 the stock has felt to as low 0.16 cents a share.
After the RS the stock can be diluted & sold back to pennies again on same or next day and history has shown us that time and time again with Tops.
Please be aware of the extreme risks which come with Top Ship Stock (TOPS) and take a close look at Yahoo Charts to get an idea what this company has done with only 26K Market Cap.
CWEB Analyst’s have issued a Sell Rating forTop Ship Stock (TOPS)
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