Telegram CEO was arrested on Saturday evening at an airport outside Paris. Billionaire Pavel Durov, who is the co-founder of the encrypted messaging app, was arrested in France, according to reports from several French outlets.
He had a warrant against him as a police investigation found that Telegram did not have enough moderators, resulting in criminal activities. Some web fans were upset about his arrest as he is considered a leading free speech advocate, while others agreed that Telegram is used for illicit activities with minimal moderation.
TV network TF1 and other news outlets reported that sources said the billionaire’s private jet landed at the Bourget airport north of Paris. According to multiple news outlets, the co-founder of Telegram was flying from Azerbaijan. He was arrested after his flight landed at the airport. The Paris prosecutor’s office has told news outlets that they will state the matter on Monday.
French newspaper Le Monde reported that the investigation is looking into non-cooperation by Pavel Durov on issues related to cyber scams, child pornography, and others.
Pavel Durov was born in Russia. He launched Telegram with his brother in 2013. The next year, he left his native country because he was reportedly asked to hand over Ukrainian users’ data on the social media app VKontakte, which he had developed earlier, to Russian authorities. He obtained dual citizenship in France and the United Arab Emirates. In a statement, the Russian embassy asked for consular access and protection of Durov’s rights.
Pavel Durov considers himself a champion of free speech. His app provides unfiltered information about wars in Ukraine and Gaza. Ukrainians, Russians, and others use it.
The Telegram app is based in Dubai. It has also been used for many illicit activities, including drug trafficking, child pornography, crypto and cyber scams, conspiracy theories, and more. When it was first launched, the app was extremely popular in the crypto community.
Many self-designated free speech advocates, extremists, and others have called for Pavel Durov’s release. Some include Tesla and X owner Elon Musk, RFK Jr., and Rumble CEO Chris Pavlovski.
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