Cyber crimes have been rising and the latest major hack was on high society jeweler–Graff. Russian hackers have obtained details of world leaders, sports stars, actors, tycoons and others who were customers. The Daily Mail reported that many A listers information has been got by the hackers and about one percent has been leaked on the dark web.
The dark web reportedly has 69,000 files uploaded by the cyber criminals. The files might have contact information of David Beckham, Oprah Winfrey, Donald Trump and Sir Philip Green. The rich and famous who have bought high end jewelry from various shops of Graff include politicians, world leaders, business tycoons, sportspersons, media personalities, heirs and heiresses, celebrities, princes and more.
Russian hacking gang Conti claimed responsibility for the cyber heist. It said that information about 11,000 of the jeweler’s wealthy and famous customers has been published. The hackers claim that this represents about one percent of the files they have stolen.
The treasure trove of documents include
clients’ lists
credit notes and more
This information could not only be considered as an invasion of privacy for all the customers but might prove to be embarrassing for those who might have bought jewelry secretly for unnamed persons or for those who had taken jewelry as a bribe for favors.
Cyber experts think that the gang will expect the ransom to be paid in Bitcoin or other untraceable currency or even jewels.
Philip Ingram, a former colonel in British Intelligence told the Mail that the massive data base obtained by the hackers would bring international law enforcement attention on them and this would make it difficult for them to collect the ransom as well as to get away with it.
Some of Graff’s customers who were reportedly hacked might also include the following
Formula One heiress Tamara Ecclestone
Former footballer Frank Lampard
Actors Tom Hanks, Samuel L Jackson and Alec Baldwin
Singer Tony Bennett
Socialite Ghisaline Maxwell
Politician Erbolat Dosaev, former deputy prime minister of Kazakhstan
Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman
Dubai ruler Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum
Prime Minister of Bahrain Salman bin Hamad Al Khalifa
Former prime minister of Qatar Sheikh Bin Jabr Al Thani Hamad Bin Jassim
Tetra Pak billionaire Hans Rausing and more.
The Daily Mail reported that a spokesperson for the jewelry firm Graff said that they were aware that they had been targeted by sophisticated cyber criminals and were able to “rebuild and restart their system within days.” The firm also said that they had lost no data and that they had informed their customers about the breach.
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