In “Robin And The Hoods,” tenacious 11-year-old Robin (Ewart) and her loyal band of friends, the Hoods, have transformed an overgrown patch of scrubland at the end of their cul-de-sac into a magical kingdom.
With sticks and bin lids becoming swords and shields, drones soaring as majestic eagles, and the hippy lady in the forest (Christie) imagined as a terrifying witch, their colorful imagination knows no bounds.
However, this enchanting world faces an existential threat with the arrival of the slippery property developer Clipboard (Harris), who dazzles the parents with promises of health spas and day-care facilities.
Despite their best efforts to save their kingdom, the children’s protests fall on deaf ears. As their parents can’t see the wood for the trees, Robin and her friends take matters into their own hands, determined to defend their magical realm.
Directed by Phil Hawkins and written by Stuart Benson and Paul Davidson, “Robin And The Hoods” is an original Sky film coming to Sky Cinema this summer. Prepare for a heartwarming adventure where friendship, imagination, and bravery unite to fight for what matters most.
This movie is a “Web Fans” must-see.
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