Just when one believes that one can no longer be shocked by outrageous views of what is hoped to be fringe elements and not the views of the nation, one more shocker has come from a Republican candidate who is running for the governor’s post in Michigan. Garrett Soldano said that pregnant women, even if they are victims of rape. should not get abortions.
The Christian father of two boys who is a candidate for the post of governor of Michigan said that “We must focus on…defending the DNA when it’s created. He also said that the baby could be “the next president.”
The GOP candidate spoke of inspiring women in the culture and to let them know how heroic they were in giving birth and that “God put them in this moment.”
Soldano was speaking on “Face The Facts” a podcast by April Moss. He continued on the same topic by sharing a personal anecdote. He said that a friend of his had searched for his birth family. He had found out that his birth mother had been gang-raped by five men.
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The would-be gubernatorial candidate added that his friend was upset but later appreciated and understood what his birth mother had gone through. He went on to help thousands of people to be a better version of themselves.
Many activists and Democratic lawmakers in Michigan have slammed Soldano for his comments. They have called him “disgusting” and have criticized him for increasing the pain and suffering of rape victims.
This is not the first time that a GOP member has mentioned pregnancy and rape. In a 2012 Senate campaign, late Republican Rep. Todd Akin said that “legitimate rape” rarely resulted in pregnancy and the female body had ways to shut the whole thing down.” He apologized after facing backlash but retracted his apology when he wrote a political memoir.
Garrett Soldano is not new to controversial issues. Earlier, he was responsible for spreading misinformation about COVID-19. His channel was removed from YouTube for violating the platform’s guidelines.
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