The cost of coffee in California is the third most affordable nationwide. California ranks as the third state where residents earn the price of a coffee order quickest.
Massachusetts is the state where cafes offer the most affordable prices. Washington and Colorado make the top ten while Mississippi has the least affordable cafe prices
New research has revealed the states in which coffee is the most affordable.For this interesting reflection on the cost of living, the study by PriceListo analyzed average Starbucks prices compared with average earnings in each state to establish the states in which it is most affordable to grab a coffee.
California comes in third in the study with a typical coffee order of one frappuccino, one latte, and a juice, costing $14.27. Average hourly earnings in the state mean that it takes just 22.9 minutes to earn this small treat.
This typical order earning time is 16% shorter than the nationwide state average, and as much as 31% shorter than the state of Mississippi where takeout coffee is the least affordable for its residents. The state’s average hourly earnings of $37.44 helps to make coffee more affordable here, that average is nearly seven dollars higher than the national state average. The price of 15 staple menu items in California comes in at $4.46, which is infact 32 cents more than the nationwide average price of these items.Massachusetts is the state where it is most affordable to order from a cafe. Average hourly earnings in the state sit at $39.32. The average price of 15 staple coffee items comes in at exactly $4.00. The price of a typical coffee order is $13.26. With this it would take just 20.2 minutes of work for the average resident to earn their coffee order, making Massachusetts the state with the most affordable coffee.
Washington is the second state with a typical order cost of $13.58 and average hourly earnings of $37.75, meaning that the average Washingtonian would have to work 21.6 minutes to earn their coffee order. The average cost of a staple item in Washington is $4.15.

Maryland comes in fourth, a typical order here comes to $13.17 and the state has average hourly earnings of $34.23. Virginia is the fifth state, with a typical order cost of $12.60 and average hourly earnings of $32.69. This means that residents of both of these states have to work approximately 23.1 minutes to earn their order.
The cost of a typical order in Connecticut comes in at $13.37. Average hourly earnings of $34.58 mean that residents here must also work 23.14 minutes to earn this.
Minnesota and Colorado boast prices for the typical order of a frappuccino, a latte, and a juice of $13.55, and $13.57. With average hourly earnings of $34.58, and $34.47, the typical orders equate to just 23.5, and 23.6 minutes of work for residents of these states respectively.
The final two states in the top ten are Hawaii and New York. A typical order cost of $13.44 in Hawaii, with average hourly earnings of $33.59 make for a working time of 24 minutes. New York’s typical order cost is $14.47. Average hourly earnings of $35.82 mean this equates to just over 24.2 minutes of working time.
At the other end of the standings, states with the least affordable coffee prices when compared against the average wage are Mississippi, Oklahoma, and New Mexico. Prices compared with average earnings in Mississippi mean that the typical coffee order costs up to 33.3 minutes of working time, 65% more than Massachusetts at the most affordable end of the scale.
State | Ave. hourly earnings ($) | Ave. price of 15 staple items | Price of typical order | No. of mins work for typical order | |
1 | Massachusetts | 39.32 | $4.00 | $13.26 | 20.24 |
2 | Washington | 37.75 | $4.15 | $13.58 | 21.59 |
3 | California | 37.44 | $4.46 | $14.27 | 22.87 |
4 | Maryland | 34.23 | $4.01 | $13.17 | 23.08 |
5 | Virginia | 32.69 | $4.00 | $12.60 | 23.12 |
6 | Connecticut | 34.67 | $3.99 | $13.37 | 23.14 |
7 | Minnesota | 34.58 | $4.14 | $13.55 | 23.52 |
8 | Colorado | 34.47 | $4.25 | $13.57 | 23.62 |
9 | Hawaii | 33.59 | $4.41 | $13.44 | 24.01 |
10 | New York | 35.82 | $4.39 | $14.47 | 24.23 |
PriceListo commented on the findings: “It’s perhaps surprising just how much the prices from the largest coffee chain in the US vary considering all these items are sold under the same brand. With this, residents of these states ought to feel fairly lucky, with the states at the other end of the spectrum spending a significantly higher portion of their income and working time to buy the exact same products.”
A spokesperson fromhttps://www.pricelisto.com/menu-prices/starbucks
Sources & Methodology:
Data sourced from pricelisto.com – regards Starbucks prices from five most populous cities from each state, 300,000+ items from 2,000+ stores.15 staple items include: Americano, brewed coffee, cappuccino, cold brew, espresso, flat white, frappuccino, hot chocolate, iced coffee, iced flat white, iced tea, juice, latte, macchiato, mocha, and black tea.
Average earnings from US Bureau of Labor Statistics
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