“My Lady Jane” is an upcoming British television series set to premiere on Amazon Prime Video, featuring a stellar cast including Emily Bader, Edward Bluemel, and Jordan Peters. Produced by the acclaimed team of MacDonald & Parkes, the series is adapted by Gemma Burgess from a series of novels by Brodi Ashton, Cynthia Hand, and Jodi Meadows. These novels offer a whimsical reimagining of the life of Lady Jane Grey, blending history with humor and adventure.
Positioned as Prime Video’s playful counterpart to Netflix’s “Bridgerton,” “My Lady Jane” is set to debut in June. The series promises to deliver a delightful mix of romance, humor, and high-stakes adventure, departing from the often somber portrayals of Tudor history. Instead, viewers can expect a less tragic and more fantastical retelling of Lady Jane Grey’s brief reign.
The narrative centers around Lady Jane Grey, portrayed by Emily Bader, who brings a refreshing charm and strength to the role. Her mischievous husband, Guildford Dudley, is played by Edward Bluemel, known for his role in “Killing Eve.” Meanwhile, Jordan Peters, recognized from “Pirates,” takes on the role of the scheming King Edward.
The ensemble cast is further enriched by Dominic Cooper (“Preacher”) as the formidable Lord Seymour, Anna Chancellor (“Pennyworth”) as Jane’s determined mother, and Rob Brydon (“The Trip”) as Guildford’s father.
“My Lady Jane” is an epic tale of true love and daring exploits, where the damsel in distress saves herself, her beloved, and the entire kingdom. With its captivating storyline and talented cast, this series is poised to be a royally entertaining addition to Prime Video’s lineup, offering viewers a joyous escape into a reimagined Tudor era.
Cast: Emily Bader as Lady Jane Grey
Edward Bluemel as Lord Guildford Dudley
Jordan Peters as King Edward VI
Anna Chancellor as Lady Frances Grey
Rob Brydon as Lord Dudley
Dominic Cooper as Lord Seymour
Jim Broadbent as Lord Leicester
Will Keen as Duke of Norfolk
Kate O’Flynn as Princess Mary
Máiréad Tyers as Susanna, close friend of Lady Jane.[2]
Isabella Brownson
Robyn Betteridge as Margaret Grey
Henry Ashton
Abbie Hern as Bess
Joe Klocek
Harry Trevaldwyn as George
Brandon Grace
Michael Workeye
Production companies: P+M Image Nation
Amazon MGM Studios
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