Late Saturday, Elon Musk posted on his platform X saying that it would bear legal costs of those who posted on the platform if they faced unfair treatment by their employers for posts or likes on the social media app.
Musk posted on X, “If you were unfairly treated by your employer due to posting or liking something on this platform, we will fund your bill.”
Later he added, “And we won’t just sue, it will be extremely loud, and we will go after the board of directors of the companies too.”
This response by Musk was made after a post said that a threat of legal action was a fast way to change behavior in the U.S.
The post received many comments from web fans. It was not only liked by hundreds of thousands of fans but was also shared many, many thousand times. Some web fans also posted examples of how they had been treated unfairly by employers.
Elon Musk has been an advocate for free speech. However, this is the first time a social media platform has made such an announcement.
Formerly known as Twitter, X has faced many problems after it was bought by Elon Musk late last year. In the end of July Elon Musk shared a graph and said that the platform had reached more 540 million monthly users. However, a much-anticipated advertising drive in June has not fructified.
Meta released its new app Threads on July 5 in direct competition with X. Although it’s still a new app, it created a buzz and saw millions of web fans signing up. Mark Zuckerberg said that more features would be added in the coming weeks and the app would remain free in the near future.
Elon Musk is looking to monetize X as much as possible to balance its losses. He is also focusing on making it an “everything app.”
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