Meta said that teenagers on Facebook and Instagram will soon face additional restrictions on the content they see on these popular social media platforms. The Tuesday blog post by parent Meta came after the company is facing increasing complaints about the addictive and harmful nature of some of its products.
Meta’s blog post mentioned that they have designed new protections for teens to get “more age-appropriate experiences” when they use popular social media platforms under parent Meta. Teenage users will get the most restrictive settings by default. They will be prevented from browsing certain topics. They will also receive prompts to update their privacy settings on Instagram.
Meta said that the update will occur in the next few weeks. Some of the restricted content includes discussions of “struggles with self-harm and eating disorders” as well as content that includes “restricted goods or nudity.” It will also include restrictions on such content if it is shared by someone they follow.

The Tuesday announcement said that the tech giant had “developed more than 30 tools and resources to support teens and their parents.” It also said that the company is in regular consultation with experts so that it increases safety on its social media platforms.
Meta has faced global scrutiny for the past few years as reports say that teens have been harmed by content posted on its popular platforms including Facebook and Instagram. Whistleblowers had said that the company was aware that content on its platforms was affecting the mental health of teens.
In October 33 state attorneys sued Meta for what they described as features that were addictive and affected young people adversely. A bipartisan group in Congress has also been pushing forward a campaign to pass the Kids Online Safety Act at the earliest. This legislation will make tech companies liable if they feed toxic content to teens.
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