Based on a true story, Natalie Portman portrays a skilled actor who enters the life of a former convict (Julianne Moore, embodying the infamous Mary Kay Letourneau from tabloids) many years after her incarceration for establishing a sexual involvement with her teenage child’s father (Charles Melton).
The film offers an intricate narrative of interpersonal connections intertwined with a criminal element that persists despite everyone’s pretense of moving forward.
Charles Melton, who portrays Moore’s husband, has executed his role exceptionally well.
The plot of this drama is unsettling, but the performances of all three main actors are exceptional. The story revolves around Elizabeth (portrayed by Natalie Portman), a television actress in search of a part that will propel her career forward. Conducting research for her role, she journeys to Savannah to encounter Gracie (Julianne Moore) and Joe (Charles Melton), a couple who gained notoriety in the past due to Gracie’s involvement with Joe when he was 13 years old.
Although I may hold a minority opinion, I thoroughly enjoyed this film, considering it from a critical standpoint. This narrative revolves around the themes of mistreatment, refusal to acknowledge the truth, and the act of controlling others. There was subtle symbolism, initially overlooked by me, but subsequently, I felt a sense of satisfaction for noticing, particularly about the title.
Both Moore and Portman deliver exceptional performances in this film, resulting in both receiving Oscar nods. However, the one I truly desire to discuss is Charles Melton. He has a nuanced demeanor, although I sensed his emotions welling up internally. I appreciate how the intricate characters’ body language serves as a means of revealing their true nature, as opposed to relying just on conversation, which may occasionally be jarring.
I appreciated the dynamic shift in my perception of each character as I progressed through the film. One may never truly ascertain the thoughts and intentions in an individual’s psyche. While I understand that MAY DECEMBER may not appeal to everyone, I found it enjoyable.
Distributed by Netflix-
Running time 117 minutes
Natalie Portman
Julianne Moore
Charles Melton
Produced by
Natalie Portman
Sophie Mas
Christine Vachon
Pamela Koffler
Grant S. Johnson
Tyler W. Konney
Jessica Elbaum
Will Ferrell
Christopher Blauvelt
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