On Friday morning, a judge in Maryland, reportedly shot himself and died just before federal officials reached his home. The officers arrived at his home in Henderson, which is 70 miles east of Baltimore, to arrest him on alleged child sexual abuse charges that included filming teenagers while they were showering n his hunting and fishing cabin.
Maryland Governor Larry Hogan had appointed Jonathan Newell, a Republican, as a judge to the only circuit court in Caroline County in 2016. He held on to the post in 2018. He was serving a 15-year term before he committed suicide.
The 50-year-old judge was on leave since July. A young boy had found a hidden camera in the judge’s fishing cabin and had informed his parents about it. Officials launched an investigation, and several digital devices were seized with footage of child sex abuse. The judge reportedly swallowed a device.
Disturbing footage dating from September 2014 showed “n” number of teenage boys showering and some also showed him touching the naked body a young man. He reportedly told them that he was checking for ticks.
The Maryland U.S. Attorney’s Office said that FBI agents had found Newell “suffering from an apparent self-inflicted gunshot wound.” He was pronounced dead at 6.43 a.m. The officials had arrived at his door on Friday morning, to arrest him as there was a federal criminal complaint against him.
Friday afternoon, in a press release, prosecutors said that the Maryland State Police would lead the investigation into the apparent suicide. Earlier, the Baltimore Sun had reported that Newell was on leave from his work at the courts after his home was raided on July 24. The leave had been extended to September.
Kimberly Madison Keith, who is a neighbor, posted photos of the scene at 6.10 a.m. She narrated the incidents that occurred including a flash bang and shots and said that she heard through grapevine “a bullet to the head.” She posted that she was relieved that his family were not at home, but Newell’s dogs were out in the yard.