As the momentum is building up for the live debate between President Donald Trump and Democratic Presidential Candidate Joe Biden, Trump followed through with his earlier threat. He released a recording of his “60 Minutes” contentious interview with Lesley Stahl. President Trump said that this interview was a vicious, attempted, ‘takeout.’”. He also tweeted, “Watch her constant interruptions and anger. Compare my full flowing and ‘magnificently brilliant’ answers to their ‘Q’s’.”
Joe Biden Democratic presidential nominee said that he would form a bipartisan commission to study the issue of wanting to “pack” the Supreme Court, with additional justices, when pressured for an answer. He said that he would take cues from scholars. In the past he avoided taking a firm position as he believed that it would offer fuel to his opponent. He considered this issue to be a “live ball.”
Today, October 22, Thursday’s face-off between President Donald Trump and former VP Biden is the final debate before the culmination of the Presidential elections on Tuesday, November 3, 2020. Earlier debates were acrimonious and new debating rules have been set forth for this debate.