Maverick, wildly talented Lady Gaga is back with her latest collaboration called “Chromatica Oreos.” Lady Gaga’s new cookie collaboration “Chromatica” named after her sixth studio album. The Lady Gaga Oreos come with green creme, sandwiched between pink Golden Oreo cookies come in in a neon pink package. Each cookie has one of three Chromatica-inspired designs embossed on it.
Lady Gaga posted a video about these Oreos on twitter. In the video, she’s seen lounging in bed with one of her Frenchies. She is presented a bright and shiny pink bag of Chromatica Oreos. It almost looks reminiscent of a scene from some ancient Greek scenario, wherein a ruler presents his mistress a bunch of grapes. She holds up the package for it to catch the light. then she rips it open and pulls out a sleeve.
“They decided it was a good idea to have a Chromatica Oreo, which is a pink cookie, with a green filling,” she says. She holds up an Oreo to the camera. However, we don’t see her eating it!
OREO Cookie also posted on Twitter at. 8.45 pm on Dec2, 2020, a Lady Gaga short video with the caption “When we can finally talk about our @LadyGaga collab.
According to Today, Chromatica Oreos are regular ones with Planet Chromatica colors and embossments.
Oreo announced that it would launch a “Lady Gaga Oreo Stan Club” site today to pick free, early access to these new cookies.
On December 15, a “Sing It with Oreo” sweepstakes will be launched. There will be Lady Gaga related prizes to be won.
Oreo hasn’t as yet announced an official date for the release of these cookies, but it’s said to be early January. It will be available in mini six-cookie pack.
Source Vulture/Thrillist