Bar Rafaeli is a top model and the ex-girlfriend of Leonardo DiCaprio. The courts could indict her for tax evasion.
Bar Rafaeli and mother Zipi entered in a plea bargain will be sentenced to 16 months in prison. Both mother and daughter or authorized to pay 1.5 million dollar in fine due to back taxes owed to the state.Rafaeli Claims that her primary residence at the time was not in Israel and therefore didn’t owe any taxes. She failed to declare her income in certain years When traveling the world working .
Israeli tax law determines residency primarily upon whether the person spent most of the calendar year in the country. Refaeli claimed that she hadn’t and therefore did not have to declare her worldwide income in certain years. Refaeli lost the battle when she tried to declare her relationship with Leonardo DiCaprio claiming an American residence to avoid paying taxes that she owed.