Is it safe to bleach your eyebrows? Although bleached eyebrows can make a bold fashion statement and produce a striking appearance, there are also some potential drawbacks to consider.
Here are some of the warnings before you dip that brush to put on your eyebrows into the bleaching paste:
Skin irritation
The harsh chemicals in eyebrow bleach have the potential to irritate the skin, causing it to become red and causing an allergic reaction. Those with sensitive skin will find this to be especially true.
Damage to eyebrow hair
Bleaching can weaken and make the hair brittle, which makes the hair on your eyebrows more prone to breaking. Additionally, the full recovery of your eyebrows may be hampered by this damage. You may have heard how hard it is to grow your eyebrows back after you have over tweezed them. The same thing can happen with bleach. If the area is weakened by the chemicals, it will be extremely hard for your eyebrows to grow back, so you could dye them back to a darker color.
Uneven results
If you’re doing it at home, it can be challenging to get an even bleaching impact on your eyebrows. A patchy, uneven color and an unnatural appearance may arise from this. If you decide to bleach or lighten your eyebrows, it’s always best to go to a professional salon. You will get better results and be happier with the outcome. A cosmetologist should always do eyebrow bleaching. Your stylist may know of several ways to do bleaching that are less harmful to your skin as well as the hairs on your eyebrows.
If you’re unsure whether bleached eyebrows are right for you, consider consulting with a professional esthetician or makeup artist. There are also many beauty apps out there that you can play around with on your phone’s camera to see if the look is right for you before you make such a big commitment.
YouCam Makeup is one of them. You can play with the filters to make your eyebrows so light that they will look bleached. Bleaching your eyebrows doesn’t always mean going white. There are many trendy colors that women are wearing right now, such as green, purple, and blue. A wonderful way to test this out besides using the app is to get a powder in the bright colors you’re looking for. Brush the powder on your brows to get an idea of the
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