“Hitman” (2023), directed by Richard Linklater and co-written by Linklater and Glen Powell, is a quirky black comedy crime film that delves into the unusual world of undercover police work in New Orleans. Inspired by a true story chronicled by Skip Hollandsworth, the film follows Gary Johnson (played by Glen Powell), a mild-mannered professor of psychology and philosophy at the University of New Orleans. By day, Gary lectures on the intricacies of the human mind; by night, he moonlights as a consultant for the New Orleans Police Department in elaborate sting operations.
When Jasper, the department’s usual fake hitman, is sidelined for his rough tactics, Gary reluctantly steps into the role. Surprisingly adept at creating convincing personas and attracting would-be criminals seeking to hire a hitman, Gary assumes the identity of ‘Ron,’ a confident and charismatic figure. His latest client is Madison (Adria Arjona), a troubled woman seeking to rid herself of an abusive husband.
As Gary navigates the complexities of Madison’s request, he finds himself drawn into her world, empathizing with her plight. Despite the allure of quick cash, Gary opts for a compassionate approach, advising Madison to use the money to escape her toxic marriage instead. This decision sets him at odds with his colleagues Claudette (Retta) and Phil (Sanjay Rao), who see the sting operation as a straightforward law enforcement mission.
@cwebnews Hit Man CWEB Official Cinema Trailer and Movie Review Netflix “Hitman” (2023), directed by Richard Linklater and co-written by Linklater and Glen Powell, is a quirky black comedy crime film that delves into the unusual world of undercover police work in New Orleans. Inspired by a true story chronicled by Skip Hollandsworth, the film follows Gary Johnson (played by Glen Powell), a mild-mannered professor of psychology and philosophy at the University of New Orleans. By day, Gary lectures on the intricacies of the human mind; by night, he moonlights as a consultant for the New Orleans Police Department in elaborate sting operations. Read the full movie review here https://cweb.com/category/movie-trailers/ #moviereview #movieclips #moviereview #films #comingsoon #trending #boxofficenews #boxofficehits #cinematrailer #webfans #webtok #tvseries #familymovies #officialtrailer #streaming #movietrailer #trailer #movieclips #comingsoon #trending #dramamovies #thrillermovies #thriller #comedy Follow breaking news and entertainment news at www.cweb.com Follow us on TikTok at https://www.tiktok.com/@cwebnews #fyi #foryou ? original sound – CWEB
“Hitman” blends dark humor with a poignant exploration of morality and human connection. Glen Powell delivers a nuanced performance as Gary, balancing intelligence with a reluctant hero’s charm. Adria Arjona brings depth to Madison, portraying a woman trapped in dire circumstances seeking a way out. The film’s New Orleans backdrop adds a vibrant atmosphere, contrasting the city’s lively exterior with its underbelly of crime and deception.
Richard Linklater’s direction infuses the narrative with his trademark wit and observational style, capturing both the absurdity and humanity of Gary’s dual life. The screenplay cleverly navigates ethical dilemmas, offering a refreshing take on the crime genre by focusing on the psychological motivations behind criminal behavior.
“Hitman” is a thought-provoking comedy that challenges stereotypes and celebrates the unexpected bonds that can form in the unlikeliest of situations. It’s a testament to Richard Linklater’s storytelling prowess and the cast’s compelling performances, making it a standout in the genre of crime comedies.
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