In the enchanting world of “Glitter & Doom,” Filipino heartthrob Alex Diaz takes center stage as a circus dreamer who embarks on a love-at-first-sight journey with the talented UK newcomer Alan Cammish, portraying a struggling musician. The screen lights up with an undeniable spark, propelling this cinematic masterpiece into the realm of an epic summer romance. However, as the duo navigates the twists and turns of their passionate connection, the harsh realities of chasing their dreams loom large, threatening to tear them apart.
Ming Na-Wen and Missi Pyle deliver standout performances as the respective mothers of Glitter and Doom, adding depth and emotion to the narrative. The supporting cast, a constellation of stars, features the incredible talents of Lea DeLaria, Tig Notaro, Kate Pierson (of B-52s fame), Drag Race alum Peppermint, Broadway sensation Beth Malone, and the iconic Indigo Girls, Amy Ray and Emily Saliers. Together, this star-studded ensemble brings a rich tapestry of characters to life, weaving a story that transcends the boundaries of love, dreams, and the inevitable challenges of pursuing one’s passion.
“Glitter & Doom” is not just a film; it’s a celebration of diversity and talent, with queer voices resonating throughout. The inclusion of these voices, coupled with the magnetic performances of the cast, elevates this movie to a must-watch status. Directorial finesse, a compelling narrative, and a soundtrack that echoes the heartbeat of the characters make “Glitter & Doom” a cinematic triumph, leaving audiences captivated and moved by the power of love and the pursuit of dreams.
Runtime 1 hr 56 min
Premiers Friday, Mar 8, 2024
Production: Music Box Films
Alex Diaz
Alan Cammish
Lea DeLaria
Missi Pyle
Tig Notaro
Alejandra Bogue
Cory Krueckeberg
Tom Gustafson
Amy Ray
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