The Fast and Furious franchise’s ninth movie titled F9: The Fast Saga’s release has been delayed due to COVID-19. This has resulted in a lot of pre-release promotion. There have been hints by the stars earlier that the family will be brought to the final frontier (space). The second trailer, released today, gives a glimpse of what will happen in the movie.
The second trailer of the film shows family dynamics in a car centered world. Car crime is inevitable as so is car driving. This trailer also focuses on the new antagonist Dom’s Brother Jacob. Dominic Toretto, played by Vin Diesel is confronted by his brother, played by John Cena, with a gun and a dialogue where he is accused by Jacob of turning his back on family.
Dom disarms his brother but finds out that Jacob has a second gun that is pointed at him. The rest will be revealed in the movie.
The trailer also showcases a huge number of magnetic stunts. A family member has acquired awesome mastery over electromagnetism and these skills have been used to upgrade Dom’s Charger. It now has a magnetic drive that can lock in cars or throw them out. This seems to be the central plot of the movie.
Han, played by Sung Kang, is back with a bomb that doubles up as a parachute and a magnet. It almost unbelievably allows him to perform the following actions
- Attach the bomb to a lackey
- Throw the lackey from a moving vehicle
- Blow up the lackey in a quick motion
The trailer’s tag is different. In the headline Roman, played by Tyrese Gibson and Tej, played by “Ludacris” Bridges are wearing space suits. They are seated behind controls of something which looks like a space car which has rockets attached to the back of a plane.
After at least three delays, the film will debut on June 25, with a space car and all the familiar faces of the Fast and Furious series.