In “Evil Does Not Exist,” director Ryûsuke Hamaguchi takes audiences on a captivating journey into the heart of rural Japan following his acclaimed success with “Drive My Car.” Set against the tranquil backdrop of Harasawa village, we are introduced to Takumi, a single parent living a simple life with his daughter, Hana. But their peaceful existence is threatened when a Tokyo company, Playmode, announces plans to develop a glamping site, endangering the pristine environment cherished by the villagers.
Hamaguchi expertly blends elements of suspense and introspection, weaving a narrative that transcends traditional genre boundaries. Through stunning visuals and a captivating score by Eiko Ishibashi, the film delves into the delicate balance between nature and human intervention, raising questions about morality and the consequences of our actions.
As tensions escalate between the villagers and the encroaching urbanization, “Evil Does Not Exist” navigates themes of community solidarity and the fight for preservation with nuance and depth. Hamaguchi’s direction keeps viewers on the edge of their seats while prompting introspection about our relationship with the environment and each other.
With its haunting atmosphere and thought-provoking storyline, “Evil Does Not Exist” offers a mesmerizing cinematic experience that challenges viewers to reconsider their perceptions of good and evil. As a Main Slate selection at NYFF61, this film solidifies Hamaguchi’s reputation as a visionary filmmaker unafraid to explore the complexities of the human experience—a must-watch for cinephiles seeking a thought-provoking and immersive journey into the unknown.
Starring: Hitoshi Omika
Ryo Nishikawa
Ryuji Kosaka
Ayaka Shibutani
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