House GOP Leader Mr. Kevin McCarthy was critical of the ex-president in the wake of the January 6 Capitol violence by a pro Donald Trump mob that killed five people, including a police officer. Two other police officers have committed suicide.
A readout of the meeting from Save America PAC said: ‘President Trump’s popularity has never been stronger than it is today, and his endorsement means more than perhaps any endorsement at any time.’
NEW: Readout from former President Donald Trump on his meeting with @GOPLeader
(via @devonmsayers)
– Daniella Diaz (@DaniellaMicaela) January 28, 2021
On Jan 6 GOP Leader Kevin McCarthy went as far as to say that Mr. Trump has some responsibility for the violence, after he ordered his supporters to march on the Capitol after his “Stop the Steal” rally in front of the White House.

Last week Trump made his first public comment since Joe Biden’s inauguration.
“We’ll do something, but not just yet,” Trump told the Washington Examiner as he lunched at his golf club with friends on his 16th wedding anniversary.
CNN reported Wednesday that on a call McCarthy instructed his members, ‘no more attacks to one another. ”Cut that crap out,’ the leader told lawmakers, adding that only Republicans can prevent Republicans from taking back the House majority.
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