Walnut oil actually burns belly fat. It has a good taste and it is good for you. The french lentels are very small and colorful. They add a great flavor to the tuna.
2 1/2 pounds Tunas
3 tablespoons Walnut oil
1 tablespoon herbs diced I used fresh oregeno and thyme
1 cup french organic lentels
1 small red onion
2 cloves garlic
3 tablesponsExrea Virgin Olive Oil
3 cups College InnChichen Broth
1 cup White wine
salt and pepper
1. Saute olive oil garlic onion about 5 minutes add french lentels add wine and chicken broth
2. when liquid is absorbed add cup of chicken broth continue procedure again
3. cook on medium high stir lentels periodically cook for about one hour or until lentel is soft
4. Meanwhile marinate tuna with herbs and walnut oil salt and pepper
5. Grill on each side for 3-4 minutes
6. Top the Beet Greens on top of your tuna see recipe
Credit: Foodista