Celebrity actress Heather Graham, on Saturday, took to social media to impress her 443,000 fans with images from a recent trip. After making appearances in television advertisements, she landed her first leading part in a feature film with the teen comedy License to Drive. This was followed by the critically praised movie Drugstore Cowboy.
The star has been having the time of her life, and she even kindly gave her admirers a glimpse of it. The first image of the 52-year-old actress in the set of four photographs and a video that the Boogie Nights actress uploaded was of her wearing a black bikini and accessorized with a pair of black sunglasses. She posed holding her long blonde hair back from her face with one hand with the stunningly blue lake behind her as the background.
The next image showed a rocky beach and the ancient pier from the side, both set against a brilliant blue sea. The third one was a bikini selfie with Debra Fisher, the creator of the Ginny and Georgia television series, standing next to Heather in a lavender bikini. The Mexican lagoon is once again teased in the fourth image, where the night-time shot is illuminated only by a tiny lamp. A passing boat can be seen in the distance.
The fifth and final upload is a video that appears to be of Heather walking down the old pier while recording the sound of the waves lapping against the coast.
The setting is gorgeous, and it appears to be a great site to celebrate the end of summer. On her Instagram Stories, the actress posted another selfie of herself and Debra wearing bikinis.
The actress is in the background, holding her hair back once more, donning a pair of tortoiseshell sunglasses, and revealing a small portion of her black bikini bottoms. This, however, allows for a greater glimpse of her incredible curves.
The celebrity previously displayed a variety of bikinis while traveling, this time to Turks & Caicos, back in June. She posed in a white bikini for the cover image of an Instagram post that included five additional images, all of which had her or a friend (or both) in a bikini on the beach and once again showcased the extremely pure blue sea in the background.