Felicia Taylor, the retired anchor-correspondent for CNN International’s “World Business Today” was arrested last week after allegedly hitting another car while driving her white Mercedes, injuring the other driver, and then fleeing the scene, according to Palm Beach Police. The 57-year-old struck the rear bumper of a black Ford driven by a 24-year-old man that was stopped in traffic ahead of her Mercedes, according to the incident report. The impact pushed him against the steering wheel, resulting in multiple injuries, the report said.
However, after the collision, Taylor’s Mercedes was seen fleeing the scene of the accident without offering help or stopping to give information, according to the report. The anchor, who is well-known in the social scenes of New York City, the Hamptons, and Palm Beach, was then seen driving past the scene of the crash twice in her car that sustained heavy front-end damage.
A police officer stated that after he pulled her over, Taylor acknowledged her involvement in a traffic crash, but said that the driver was okay. She said she did not stop because there was nothing to be concerned about and it was “no big deal.” Taylor also denied using prescription drugs or drinking alcohol, and the officer stated that he did not smell alcohol on her. Taylor was also inconsistent in her answers to where she was before the accident.
EMTs treated the injured driver at the scene after he complained of jaw, head, neck, and back pain. Taylor was examined by EMTs twice and found to be unharmed.
Taylor was arrested and transported to the Palm Beach County Jail, where she was charged with careless driving and leaving the scene of an injury accident. She denied the allegations. She was released on $3,000 bail and pleaded not guilty.
The anchor has been previously arrested with a blood-alcohol level more than three times the legal limit after side-swiping another car in the Hamptons, in 2015. Taylor was reportedly so inebriated following the late-afternoon accident on Main Street in Sag Harbor on September 4 that she was taken to Southampton Hospital “for medical evaluation,” according to police. She was charged with aggravated DWI.
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