On Wednesday, Beyoncé posted a bedazzling new photo on social media. She wore a sheer mini, gold and silver jewelry and high heels that accentuated her figure. She wore a long black coat across her shoulders. Her makeup was as classic as her look. The photo had no caption and needed no caption as the multiple Grammy award winning legend gained more than a hundred thousand likes for the image.
Beyoncé wore a unique mini dress that was crisscrossed with silver strands that gleamed with star power. The strands fell to one side, suggesting a thigh slit. Beyoncé added a long black coat with triangular sleeves to the form fitting mini.
The Renaissance singer’s hair was pulled back. Her makeup was classic with long eyelashes and shimmering eyeshadow. Beyoncé accessorized her look with a gold necklace and gold earrings. She also wore a silver ring on one of her perfectly manicured fingers. Black stiletto heels further accentuated her long legs.
The 41-year old multiple award winning songstress and entrepreneur has gone on strict diets, a few years ago, to maintain a perfect figure. However, as she is growing from strength to strength with her award breaking songs and performances, she has also looked beyond physicality alone for self-care.
The singer, who has inspired millions, said that mental health was also “self-care.” She said that she was in the process of learning to “break the cycle of poor health and neglect.” She mentioned that she was focusing her energy on her body and noting the subtle signs it gave her. Beyoncé spoke of the importance of listening to one’s body as it tells a person what they needed to know.
The business savvy entrepreneur also listens to her family, fans and followers and has added children’s sizes to her athleisure brand called Ivy Park. She said that this drop would help families coordinate their outfits on vacations.
In another Celebrity News update Fashion House ParisJewelry.com has started manufacturing new custom line of celebrity jewelry products.