Severance, created by Dan Erickson and directed by Ben Stiller and Aoife McArdle, is a gripping science fiction psychological thriller. Starring Adam Scott, Britt...
Blending visionary science fiction with speculative nonfiction, Kapadia masterfully crafts a narrative that is as much a warning as it reflects our current trajectory....
Omni Loop is an intriguing and imaginative sci-fi drama that delves deep into the mysteries of time, mortality, and human connection. The film, directed by...
Subservience (2024) - Movie Review
In "Subservience," Megan Fox stars as Alice, a lifelike artificially intelligent android designed to cater to any family's needs. Michele...
Alien: Romulus is a chilling descent into the grimy underbelly of the Alien universe. Set between the iconic original and its action-packed sequel; this...
Sunny Apple TV Series Review:
Apple TV Plus' new series "Sunny" offers a captivating blend of mystery, sci-fi, and emotional drama, set against a semi-futuristic...
Movie Review: "Supacell"
"Supacell" is a British superhero series that breathes new life into the genre with its gritty and emotional narrative. Set against the...
"Arcane: League of Legends" is an animated action-adventure series that has taken Netflix by storm. Created by Christian Linke and Alex Yee, this visually...
Ultraman Rescues Baby Emi, and Then She Gets Acid Reflux is based on the beloved Japanese character, Netflix's "Ultraman." The movie breathes new life...
Prepare for a chilling return to deep space with Alien: Romulus, the highly anticipated seventh installment in the legendary Alien franchise.
Set to bridge the...
Production company Vyjayanthi Movies -Distributed by AA Films
In the grand tapestry of Indian cinema, "Kalki 2898 AD" emerges as a shining star, blending the...
From the visionary director Garth Davis comes "FOE," a gripping science fiction drama starring Saoirse Ronan, Paul Mescal, and Aaron Pierre. Exclusively in theaters...
In the sprawling cityscape of Francis Ford Coppola's latest cinematic masterpiece, "Megalopolis," viewers are transported to a hauntingly familiar yet entirely transformed New York...
"Rebel Moon – Part Two: The Scargiver" takes audiences on an exhilarating journey through the vast expanses of space, delivering a visually stunning and...
"Justice League: Crisis on Infinite Earths—Part One" is a cinematic rollercoaster of epic proportions, plunging audiences into a brutal battle against the looming threat...
In a world where the remnants of civilization cling to the shadows of a post-apocalyptic wasteland, "Fallout" is a stunning portrayal of humanity's resilience...
In a dystopian future where the battle lines are drawn between human factions and advanced artificial intelligence, "The Creator" plunges audiences into a world...
The Spengler family decides to leave Summerville, Oklahoma and return to the famous New York City firehouse, where it all began, in Ghostbusters: Frozen...
It is an intense, unsettling, edgy thriller set in multiple universes.
The sci-fi thriller "Parallel" is stressful and unnerving as it delves into the various...
The Monsterverse from Legendary Pictures continues after "Godzilla vs. Kong" with a new adventure as Kong and Godzilla face a massive unknown menace that...
Lilith, a notorious criminal with an enigmatic background, reluctantly returns to her home planet, Pandora, to locate the abducted daughter of the universe's most...
An animated semi-autobiographical adventure fantasy that explores themes of life, death, and creation as a tribute to friendship, created by Hayao Miyazaki.
During the Pacific...
A fatigued wolverine encounters a boisterous Deadpool who has utilized time travel to repair his closest companion and seeks to establish a friendship with...
Sony is gearing up to release its newest addition to its Spider-Man-related film franchise, which will center around a character from the comic books...
The first Planet of the Apes is a timeless masterpiece that establishes the benchmark for the whole franchise. The rebooted series, commencing with Rise...
The new environment and antagonist of Ghostbusters: Frozen Empire and a more extensive cast hint toward a grander and more daring adventure than Ghostbusters:...
This movie is flawless and serves as a shining example of what good filmmaking and storytelling should look like.
Maintains consistency and places an unwavering...
Shameik Moore, who plays Miles Morales, Spider-Man, in the upcoming animated film Across the Spider-Verse, expressed hope that he would be cast as the...
Guardians of the Galaxy is a hilarious, wacky, and irreverent film with lots of love, action, fantastic acting, and endearing characters. I can only...
by Tony Medley
190 minutes.
For $400 million, one would think a movie should be perfect and wonderful. This one isn’t. Oh, one can appreciate the...