Movie Review: Opus
Opus is an upcoming American thriller written and directed by Mark Anthony Green in his feature directorial debut. This A24 production boasts...
In the gripping three-episode documentary series "Ashley Madison: Sex, Lies & Scandal," Minnow Films and director Toby Paton delve into the dark underbelly of...
"You're Cordially Invited" is a charming romantic comedy that brings together the comedic talents of Reese Witherspoon and Will Ferrell in an unforgettable wedding...
"Lift," directed by F. Gary Gray, catapults viewers into a high-altitude heist as Cyrus Whitaker (Kevin Hart) leads an international crew on a mission...
From the visionary director Garth Davis comes "FOE," a gripping science fiction drama starring Saoirse Ronan, Paul Mescal, and Aaron Pierre. Exclusively in theaters...
This Time Next Year is a charming and delightful romantic comedy that captivates the heart with its unique premise and endearing performances. Directed by...
Jessica Alba shines in her latest action-packed film, *Trigger Warning*, premiering on Netflix this June 21. Directed by Mouly Surya, this thrilling drama follows...
"Tires" brings a quirky blend of comedy and drama to the screen, spotlighting the chaotic life of Will (Steven Gerben), an anxious and inexperienced...
"Sight," starring Greg Kinnear and Terry Chen, is an inspiring cinematic journey that chronicles the remarkable true story of Dr. Ming Wang. Chen delivers...
"The Summer I Turned Pretty," a new series adapted from Jenny Han's New York Times bestselling book, is a heartfelt exploration of adolescence, love,...
"Multiplied" takes viewers on an inspiring journey through the burgeoning landscapes of modern-day Christianity. Directed and hosted by Chris Worthington, this travel documentary is...
In "Sweet East," director delivers a gripping narrative that navigates the tumultuous waters of contemporary America with both nuance and urgency. Set against...
Amid historical turmoil, "One Life" unfolds a profoundly moving tale of courage, compassion, and the relentless pursuit of humanity amidst the darkest of times....
"The Grab" is a gripping global thriller that sheds light on one of our time's most pressing yet underreported issues. Directed by Gabriela Cowperthwaite...
In the riveting limited series "Presumed Innocent," Jake Gyllenhaal delivers a captivating performance as chief deputy prosecutor Rusty Sabich, whose life takes a dramatic...
In the sprawling cityscape of Francis Ford Coppola's latest cinematic masterpiece, "Megalopolis," viewers are transported to a hauntingly familiar yet entirely transformed New York...
In her directorial debut, India Donaldson crafts a poignant narrative in "Good One," a 2024 American drama that delves into the complexities of family...
In "DADDIO," the screen pulses with the electric charge of unexpected human bonds. Set within the confined space of a taxi, this gripping character-driven...
In the corridors of academia, where knowledge reigns supreme, there lies a dark underbelly of suspicion and injustice. "The Teachers' Lounge" peels back the...
"IT ENDS WITH US" is a compelling adaptation of Colleen Hoover's 2016 novel. It showcases a poignant narrative of love, loss, and resilience. Directed...
"Thank You, Next" is a captivating romantic drama that delves deep into the complexities of modern relationships. Serenay Sarkaya shines as Leyla, a young...
"She Came to Me" presents a captivating narrative of creative struggle intertwined with unexpected encounters and psychological intrigue. Operetta composer Steven Lauddem's journey from...
In "The Strangers: Chapter 1," director Ema Horvath takes viewers on a harrowing journey through the depths of terror. Set against the sprawling Pacific...
"American Born Chinese" bursts onto the screen as a delightful fusion of American teenage angst and ancient Chinese mythology in Kelvin Yu's exhilarating creation...
"Maxton Hall — The World Between Us" invites viewers into a captivating world where love transcends boundaries. Adapted from Mona Kasten's novel "Save Me,"...
In "The Idea of You," based on the popular contemporary novel, the spotlight shines on Solène (Anne Hathaway), a 40-year-old single mother whose life...
In Paul Schrader's latest cinematic offering, "Master Gardener," the verdant beauty of Gracewood Gardens conceals a tapestry of intrigue and turmoil. Award-winner Joel Edgerton...
Dark Matter, adapted from Blake Crouch's bestselling novel, catapults viewers into a gripping sci-fi odyssey across parallel universes. With a stellar ensemble cast by...
Prepare to be swept away on a magic carpet ride with Disney's live-action adaptation of the beloved classic, "Aladdin." Directed by the inimitable Guy...
Transporting audiences back to the summer of 1991 in rural Massachusetts, "Janet Planet" offers a captivating glimpse into the life of Janet, an unconventional...
In a world gripped by a lethal pandemic, "Lazareth" plunges audiences into a haunting narrative of survival, control, and the transformative power of human...
Prepare yourself for a thrilling descent into the shadows of Gotham City's criminal underworld with "The Penguin," the eagerly anticipated spin-off from Matt Reeves'...
Prepare to be swept away by the pulse-pounding spectacle of "Twisters," the summer blockbuster that reignites the fury of nature's most awe-inspiring—and deadly—phenomenon. From...
Fasten your seatbelts for an adrenaline-fueled ride with 'Hazard'
In this high-octane thriller, Noah Hazard, portrayed with gritty intensity by Dimitri 'Vegas' Thivaios, finds himself...
"Something in the Water" dives into the deep end of the shark thriller genre, but unfortunately, it struggles to stay afloat amidst familiar waters....
In "Tell That To The Winter Sea," director Greta Bellamacina crafts a poignant narrative that delves deep into the intricacies of friendship, love, and...