Agatha All Along is a surprising and darkly comedic twist on the Marvel formula. Kathryn Hahn’s Agatha Harkness, stripped of her magical prowess and...
The Substance Movie Review
Coralie Fargeat’s "The Substance" is not a film for the faint of heart. This explosive, visually stunning body horror is a...
Alien: Romulus is a chilling descent into the grimy underbelly of the Alien universe. Set between the iconic original and its action-packed sequel; this...
Movie Review: Poolman
"Poolman" is an intriguing tale that immerses viewers in the vibrant yet murky world of Darren Barrenman (Chris Pine), a native Los...
"Kidnapped: The Chloe Ayling Story" delves into the harrowing true-life ordeal of British model Chloe Ayling, portrayed with intensity by Nadia Parkes. Set against...
Greedy People, an upcoming American comedy mystery film, promises to blend intrigue and humor. Potsy Ponciroli directed the film, which was penned by Michael...
Movie Review: "Reunion" (2024)
"Reunion" combines a stellar cast for a high-stakes thriller that masterfully blends dark humor and edge-of-your-seat suspense. This film, directed by...
Review of "English Teacher" (FX)
"English Teacher," set to premiere on FX, offers a refreshingly honest and often humorous look at the chaotic life of...
"The Continental: From the World of John Wick" is a thrilling dive into the origins of the iconic hotel-for-assassins that have become a centerpiece...
"Classified" is a compelling and emotionally charged series that delves deep into the transformative journey of 15-year-old Ella Gardner, portrayed by the talented Imani...
In Disclaimer, directed by the legendary Alfonso Cuarón, viewers are plunged into a psychological thriller adapted from Renée Knight’s acclaimed novel. The film centers...
Wild Wild Space is a captivating 2024 American documentary directed by Ross Kauffman, inspired by Ashlee Vance's book When Heavens Went on Sale. The...
Modernism: The Eliot Noyes Design Story (9/10)
by Tony Medley
78 Minutes.
This is an intriguing documentary about a little-known designer and architect who had a huge...
"Admission" tells the story of Portia Nathan (Tina Fey), a Princeton admissions officer with a rigorous professional life. Her career drives her and is...
Movie Review: "Saturday Night"
Jason Reitman's upcoming biographical comedy-thriller, Saturday Night, delves into a pivotal moment in television history.
Set at 11:30 PM on October 11,...
Movie Review: "Rob Peace" (2024)
"Rob Peace" is a 2024 American biographical drama film that masterfully intertwines the complexities of ambition, familial loyalty, and the...
Citadel: Diana Movie Review- A Riveting Spy Thriller
In the electrifying sequel to the globally acclaimed series, "Citadel: Diana," Matilda De Angelis delivers a captivating...
Movie Review A Different Man
A Different Man, a 2024 American black comedy psychological thriller, offers a riveting and unsettling exploration of identity and obsession....
Movie Review: The Silent Hour
Sixteen months after an on-the-job accident leaves him with hearing loss, Boston Detective Frank Shaw (Joel Kinnaman) returns to duty....
Movie Review: A Complete Unknown
"A Complete Unknown" is an eagerly anticipated 2024 American biographical drama directed by the acclaimed James Mangold, who also co-wrote...
"Batman: Caped Crusader" is a fresh take on the iconic superhero, delving into the darker, more enigmatic aspects of Bruce Wayne's transformation into Batman.
The critically acclaimed docuseries UNTOLD returns with a fresh, gripping season, unmasking three extraordinary tales from the expansive and unpredictable world of sports. This...
In "Robin And The Hoods," tenacious 11-year-old Robin (Ewart) and her loyal band of friends, the Hoods, have transformed an overgrown patch of scrubland...
Review: Playground
Playground immerses viewers in the vibrant and competitive hip-hop dance world at the Playground Dance Studio in Los Angeles. Home to some of...
The Supremes at Earl’s All-You-Can-Eat is a heartwarming and poignant film that delves deep into the unbreakable bonds of friendship and sisterhood. Directed by...
Movie Review-The Duel (2024)
"The Duel" is a dark comedy that navigates the murky waters of betrayal, honor, and friendship. Woody (Dylan Sprouse) discovers that...
"Thicket" is an engaging and gritty Western thriller that takes viewers on a perilous journey through the untamed landscapes of West Texas. The film...
From the imaginative minds behind beloved animated classics, "Spellbound" is a new Netflix film that promises to captivate audiences of all ages. Directed by...
Lady in the Lake Movie Review.
Lady in the Lake plunges into the turbulent waters of 1960s Baltimore, weaving a gripping narrative around an investigative...
Movie Review-The Killer
From the Oscar®-winning producer of Oppenheimer comes "The Killer," a kinetic action thriller that delivers a punchy mix of suspense and adrenaline...
Tyler Perry’s latest venture into the legal thriller genre, "Mea Culpa," delivers a gripping narrative that blends courtroom drama with complex personal struggles. Released...
Movie Review-CUCKOO
"Cuckoo" transports audiences to the serene yet eerie German Alps, where 17-year-old Gretchen, portrayed by Hunter Schafer, reluctantly leaves her American home to...
Hillbilly Elegy (2020) Movie Review
Directed by Ron Howard and adapted by Vanessa Taylor from J.D. Vance's 2016 memoir, "Hillbilly Elegy" brings to life the...
Movie review- Sausage Party Foodtopia
After rebelling against the human race, Frank and his friends create a utopian sanctuary called "Foodtopia."
However, their peace is short-lived...
Movie Review- "We Live in Time"
"We Live in Time" is a poignant exploration of love, growth, and the inevitable heartaches of life. Starring Florence...
The Decameron Netflix Series Review
In the backdrop of 14th-century Florence during the ravages of the Black Plague, Giovanni Boccaccio’s The Decameron is a literary...