Apple TV+ invites viewers back to the sun-soaked shores of Acapulco with the highly anticipated return of the beloved comedy series "Acapulco" for its...
Prepare for a rollicking ride through the absurd and wildly entertaining world of "The Completely Made-Up Adventures of Dick Turpin." In this irreverent retelling...
"STEVE! (Martin)" is a captivating documentary presented in two distinct pieces, a testament to the immense scope of its subject, Steve Martin. Director Neville's...
"Imaginary Friends" (IF) is a heartwarming and whimsical live-action/animated fantasy-comedy that takes audiences on an enchanting journey into the world of forgotten companions. Written,...
Ricky Stanicky, the brainchild of three mischief-loving buddies, takes center stage in this uproarious comedy directed by Peter Farrelly. The film weaves a web...
"Drugstore June," a charming American comedy directed by Nicholaus Goossen and co-written by Esther Povitsky, infuses humor into the everyday routine of small-town life....
Kung Fu Panda 4 is an upcoming American animated martial arts comedy film produced by DreamWorks Animation and distributed by Universal Pictures. It is...
Saltburn is a 2023 black comedic psychological thriller written, directed, and co-produced by Emerald Fennell. It stars Barry Keoghan, Jacob Elordi, Rosamund Pike, Richard...
"Dumb Money," helmed by director Craig Gillespie, unfolds the gripping narrative of the 2021 GameStop stock trading phenomenon. The movie skillfully captures the David...
Alexander Payne is widely recognized as one of our time's most gifted directors, if not the most. Payne frequently demonstrates a lucid perspective, adeptly...
Poor Things is an unusual film with a captivating storyline with concealed meaning. The film is a dark comedy-drama that explores the intricate process...
Although it does not explicitly depict the challenging realities of having parents with disabilities, the film is intended to evoke a pleasant and positive...
The last season of the HBO Original series Curb Your Enthusiasm will debut on February 4th on the streaming platform @StreamOnMax.
Curb Your Enthusiasm is...
by Tony Medley
108 minutes.
Lena Dunham has written and directed this ludicrous film (apparently intended as a comedy) about a teenaged girl in 1290s England....