In Blitz, Sir Steve McQueen crafts a poignant war narrative seen through the innocent yet determined perspective of a young boy navigating the chaos...
In celebration of its 10-year anniversary, John Wick—the groundbreaking action thriller that redefined the genre—returns to theaters on November 3 and 6. It will...
This spring, get ready for one more music streaming service as Viacom - CBS is launching Paramount+, its music streaming service. On Wednesday, February...
Chrissy Teigen requested Biden @POTUS to unfollow her. Her heartfelt yet humorous tweet is as follows:
I have tweeted a handful of
Times since my treasured
Jay-Z's Champagne brand Armand de Brignac, also known as "Ace of Spades." The terms of the deal were not disclosed.
Philippe Schaus, president and CEO...
Former President Barack Obama and Former First Lady Michelle Obama started a production company called Higher Ground after completing the maximum two terms of...
Operation Varsity Blues,” directed by Chris Smith, will premiere on the streaming service on March 17, 2021.The documentary will account for the methods...
Kim Kardashian West is an American media celebrity, socialite, model, businesswoman, producer, and actress. The couple has has finally decided to call...
Celebrity star Theresa Giudice “New Jersey Real Housewives” has bought a $ 3.35 million “investment property” with her new 36-year-old boyfriend, Luis...
Update: Rock superstar Bruce Springsteen’s blood-alcohol content was 0.02 when he was arrested on Sandy Hook in November and charged with driving while intoxicated....
Today’s Google Doodle celebrates Mexican singer and songwriter MarÃa Grever, considered to be one of the country’s greatest composers. Grever spent a lifetime producing...
In 2018, former first couple, Barack and Michelle Obama formed a production company called Higher Ground Productions, partnering with Netflix; one of the larger...
Wonder Woman 1984 (3/10)
by Tony Medley
131 minutes.PG-13.
After suffering through the first one, I swore I would not subject myself to any of the obvious...
On Thursday, Smartmatic voting technology company has filed a humungous $2.7 billion lawsuit against famous lawyers behind Trump’s efforts to overturn election results, media...