In Blitz, Sir Steve McQueen crafts a poignant war narrative seen through the innocent yet determined perspective of a young boy navigating the chaos...
In celebration of its 10-year anniversary, John Wick—the groundbreaking action thriller that redefined the genre—returns to theaters on November 3 and 6. It will...
On Sunday, Jena Frumes, girlfriend of singer Jason Derulo, announced that the couple was expecting their first child together, on Instagram. She posted a...
On Saturday, Comic-Con International announced that it will be holding its 2021 convention after a hiatus of a year, due to the coronavirus pandemic....
Sesame Street, an aware and socially conscious children's website, has once again stepped up to discuss race issues in a friendly manner by introducing...
The Courier (9/10)
by Tony Medley
105 minutes.
I remember Oleg Penkovsky (a scintillating Merab Nididze) very well. He was a highly placed Soviet official in Moscow...
After her impressive win of album of the year for “Folklore” at the Grammy’s on Sunday, this year, Taylor Swift achieved another awesome distinction....
Avatar has regained its position as the top-selling global release over the weekend. James Cameron’s 2009 release saw fresh ticket sales as the sci-fi...
CBS said that it is conducting an internal review of Wednesday’s episode of the ‘The Talk.’ Sharon Osbourne’s discussion about race, which were preceded...
Jennifer Lopez and Alex Rodriguez have announced today that they are staying together and working to address all the issues.
"We are working through some...
AMC Entertainment Holdings Inc. (AMC) on Wednesday reported a loss of $945.8 million in its fourth quarter.
On a per-share basis, the Leawood, Kansas-based company...
Florida Congressman, Rep. Matt Gaetz called toxic by some, has requested the House Judiciary Committee to hold a hearing on court-ordered conservatorships. He, along...
IMAX China Holding, Inc. (NYSE: IMAX) today reported full-year 2020 results highlighted by second-half box office which returned to 80% of the prior year...
From Peak originals, sports and streaming TV channels, Paramount + has launched. Can the new streaming service survive in an already crowded marketplace?
Paramount +...
On Thursday, Jack Dorsey led Square said that it is purchasing Jay-Z’s music streaming platform, Tidal. The deal will cost the digital-payments processor approximately...
fuboTV Inc. (NYSE: FUBO), the leading sports-first live TV streaming platform, today announced its financial results for the fourth quarter and full year ended...