In Blitz, Sir Steve McQueen crafts a poignant war narrative seen through the innocent yet determined perspective of a young boy navigating the chaos...
In celebration of its 10-year anniversary, John Wick—the groundbreaking action thriller that redefined the genre—returns to theaters on November 3 and 6. It will...
Allen v. Farrow (7/10)
by Tony Medley
4 episodes
Ah, advertised as an HBO documentary television miniseries directed by Kirby Dick and Amy Ziering that explores an...
One of longest running sketch comedy show on American Television –Saturday Night Live will feature a non-showbiz celebrity with a showbiz one. Over the...
From decades high end brands from Western countries have faced a backlash from Chinese consumers due to reasons ranging from political controversies cultural insensitivity....
On Friday, New Zealand’s minister for economic development and tourism Stuart Nash said that the first season of Amazon's tv series adaptation of the...
On Thursday, Jennifer Lopez and Alex Rodriguez confirmed that their four-year relationship had ended, in a statement in an exclusive to TODAY. The former...
Sylvester Stallone is the latest celebrity to join former president Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago club in Palm Beach Florida. He was spotted at the club...
Lady Gaga and Rina Sawayama might be releasing a ‘Chromatica’ remix album
Bloodpop who was the main producer on ‘Chromatica’ shared tweets that Gaga might...
Photo Credit Instagram
The actor was seen for the first time on April 2nd stepping out in Hollywood looking stunning since exiting the popular series...