In Blitz, Sir Steve McQueen crafts a poignant war narrative seen through the innocent yet determined perspective of a young boy navigating the chaos...
In celebration of its 10-year anniversary, John Wick—the groundbreaking action thriller that redefined the genre—returns to theaters on November 3 and 6. It will...
The film "Lisa Frankenstein" will be exclusively shown in cinemas on Valentine's Day in 2024. Authored by Diablo Cody and helmed by Zelda Williams.
This touching film is about Nora and Hae Sung, two intimately bonded childhood companions, who are forcibly separated after Nora's family immigrates from South...
Mothers' Instinct is a coming American psychological thriller movie helmed by Benoît Delhomme. It is a reimagining of Olivier Masset-Depasse's 2018 French-language film, which...
Bruce Springsteen, American actor, songwriter is bringing his acclaimed “Springsteen on Broadway” show back to Broadway.
The encore run of the show will premiere...
Superstar Madonna recently shared rare footage of family celebrations on Instagram. It was her dad, Silvio Ciccone’s 90th birthday. According to PEOPLE she took...
Celebrity star Ricky Martin, who was an Emmy-nominated actor in Murphy's 2018 true crime series, “The Assassination of Gianni Versace: American Crime Story” thinks...
Famous Celebrity couple Blair Underwood and Desiree DaCosta part ways after being married for 27 years. Underwood played the role of Dr. Robert Leeds...
The high-profile marriage was a disaster between Johnny Depp and former wife Amber Heard. The court in the United Kingdom has reviewed documents about...
The nation has rallied to encourage the younger generation and the vaccine hesitant with several incentives, schemes, prizes, lotteries, free passes, celeb endorsements, free...
Taylor Swift thanks her Folklore collaborators Aaron Dessner and Jack Antonoff . She said, “their creativity has completely changed her life. I feel like...
Former co-star Heather Morris speaks up after allegations made against Lea Michele. An apology was issued by the actress on Instagram. Heather Morris says...
Amazon (AMZN) will be buying MGM Studios. MGM's catalog includes a library of over 4,000 films and 17,000 television shows. TV shows include "Fargo"...
After less than two years of marriage, Erica Mena–who is currently pregnant with the couple's second child–has filed for divorce from her husband Safaree....
Kevin Spacey was accused of sexual misconduct. His role on Netflix's 'House of Cards' was cut due to the allegations.
Twenty young men reporting alleged...
Olivia rose to star fame with her single hit Driver’s License”. The song is about teenage heartbreak with real people, adding very moving lyrics.
Ariana Grande 27 years old marries Dalton Gomez in a private Internet wedding at the couple's home in Montecito California. People Magazine reported only...
The Crime of the Century (8/10)
by Tony Medley
Two-part documentary
This is a scathing attack on the pharmaceutical industry in general and to miscreants Purdue Pharma...
On Friday, Miranda Cosgrove celebrated her birthday with iCarly cast Jerry Trainor, Nathan Kress, Jaidyn Triplett, and Laci Mosley. The 28-year-old star also...