listening as he seriously taught others made my blood boil in me as I look back moments I was growing up back in my native village, books were luxuries so it was soo many other necessities which we take for granted today in Africa..
The little preacher took the word at its inner core literary not knowing the little souls will carry them to coming generation, but in all they had the moments of their life time as the story of a poor shepherd David would be the next most anointed and esteemed king in generation to generations..
life is simple if only we learn to appreciate what we have and look the big picture in horizons and be optimistic about it,,
its not about abundance of resources that makes us happier but taking a day at time and allow ourselves to be contented with what we have presently..
The boy is now the most renounced preacher of our times, but this background never played as a block to make him excel.
Lessons are all over and evidences of our past life is carried to be a prove that we are not limited, especially now we have life in us and is always the next minute to be better,,,
always our aim should be to celebrate life its self with what is in our reach