Transcription entails converting speech into text. This process makes it easier for many people to understand what is in spoken speech. Unfortunately, some individuals might take transcription as a waste of time. No doubt, they are right in their own way, considering the fact, a great part of the world’s population relies on video and audio mediums. For that reason, people see no reason for clarifying the message in those video and audio mediums.
Why the need for transcription?
Transcription is by far very important. It goes beyond just converting and audio or video into a text. It helps in cleaning up what has been spoken. It turns an audio message into a language that can be understood by people easily. All the accents that might be in audio are gotten rid of. This means the recipient of the message will get a comprehensive and easy to understand the message. This is indeed the beauty of transcription. In addition, transcription gets rid of audible distractions and personal ticks. It goes further to remove long pauses and stumbles that happen especially when presenters take a break to drink water or think through their speech.
Transcription and Translation
Transcription has a closer relationship with translation. It makes easier for people to understand a complex foreign language. Transcription gets rid of any language unfamiliarity and provides a much simpler form of understanding the language being spoken. All in all, transcription provides an efficient communication ability, irrespective of what is being put across.
Transcription provides accessibility
It is evident that some people have limited hearing capability. Their cognitive disabilities prevent them from understanding the message being shared in video and audio form. In that connection, they will need a written message to understand the information being shared. Here is where transcription comes through. It makes the inaccessible information accessible. Braille is a great form of transcription to the visually impaired.
Transcription cleans ups verbal debris
Every language has its own verbal debris. That kind of limitation makes it a bit hard for people to understand what is being communicated. For that reason, it is very important to capitalize on transcription in making communication more reliable. Transcription offers reliable interaction records that can be referred to later. Furthermore, transcription makes it easier to search for certain data. You will save a lot of time. As a result, transcription is very important in the legal sector. It helps put people on a similar page during legal proceedings.
Trends in Transcription
Crucial advances are being engaged in to make transcription more effective and reliable. The advances are getting rid of the basic notion of transcription being just the conversion of audio speech into text. Transcribing devices are being innovated to make transcription easier and advanced. One of the transcribing devices was created by Massachusetts Institute of Technology researchers. The system created was AlterEgo.It uses electrodes and bone-conduction headphones for easier transcription.
It goes without saying that transcription is very important. It simplifies the message being put across in video or audio form. Transcription is also critical in translation. It helps get rid of any verbal debris. In that connection, it is a strategy that is making communication easier and user-friendly.