In previous seasons of the singing competition television series American Idol, viewers have seen certain contestants leave the show without being eliminated. While Kenedi Anderson chose to leave American Idol on her own, many candidates are forced to leave after breaking one of the show’s numerous rigorous rules.
In addition to the contracts and agreements required to participate in the show, the winner must sign a record contract with the show’s label of choice and continue to work with the production company 19 Entertainment. Contracts are arranged before the finale, which might leave champions trapped in a bargain that they feel “manipulative” and intrusive. While some of the criteria are minor, such as being an American citizen between the ages of 15 and 29, others are more restrictive.
The reasons for leaving may have a lot to do with the numerous rules that American Idol imposes on its candidates in both circumstances. Here are some significant ones.
The winners must sign a record deal and agree to go on tour. They receive a record contract, but if a candidate does not agree with the terms, they are eliminated from the competition. They must also perform live at the end of the season and agree to go on tour in support of the show.
When the singers obtain their golden ticket to Hollywood, they must sign confidentiality agreements right away. This agreement is valid for the duration of the competition. They must also sign a contract allowing their journey to be featured on the show.
The contract requires them to divulge personal information as well as any criminal record. Personal data must be revealed on the show and in video packages. The contract requires American Idol to market the narrative as well as the artists.
For a year, candidates cannot run for public office. Contestants cannot earn monetarily from their time on the show or utilize their reality TV stardom to run for public office. They have to wait a year after they leave the show to launch a political campaign, so the show is not regarded as favoring one political party over another.
If a contestant gets romantically involved with a judge, the contestant would be disqualified and the judge would be fired.
The participants discover they must pay their own way to Hollywood. Contenders from low-income households in small towns will have to find a method to pay for their flights to Hollywood. However, American Idol will cover all meals and living expenses while on the show.
Finally, contestants can perform only on songs from an approved list.
(Photo Credit Kathy Hutchins )